Tag Archives: etsy

Overwhelming Urge to Create


Despite my Extreme Transition Lifestyle right now, I am still subject to my creative urges.  Crochet is one of my personal favorite ways to create.  It’s like organizing a skein of yarn into many perfect knots, which produce a useable, beautiful, and in this case adorable object.  In the future I’ll direct you all to my Etsy store and let you browse my bursts of creativity. Right now is not the time for that, though.  In the meantime, you can enjoy these pieces.


This pattern was purchased from Inner Hooker, on Etsy (well, on Ravelry, actually, but you might not be a yarnie).  (I just invented that word, but you may use it).  I altered the pattern some, but not significantly.  These were made as a gift, so I don’t have to haul them around… and I cannot wait to create for my home, once again!  {soon}