52 Reasons (Are Just the Beginning)

I got this idea from Pinterest, and if you use that site you’ve no doubt had this idea, too. The “original” was credited to Paper Vine’s blog, but I modeled my project after this gal’s rendition. Anyway, what follows is my Valentine gift for my husband, who is deployed to Afghanistan right now.




The construction of this was quite simple and straight-forward, with the true value coming from the list of fifty-two things I love about my sweet man. The list came easily, and gave way to more and more items. I combined things that were on my first list so that I could add new things. There are major categories of things I love, and then an infinite break-down of subcategories. The taxonomy of my love for him is vast and not easily numbered.

Since he’s been gone I’m drawn to the Big Reasons, and the Little Reasons alike. For instance, I’m convinced of his character, and adore him for being someone I admire (and whom I’m honored to raise a son modeled after). But I’m equally in love with the way he makes my coffee and delivers a punch-line… because those simple things aren’t a part of my life any more.






The project was completed without much more than a deck of cards, a hole-punch, and some sticky labels. I didn’t antique the edges of the labels or use any photo-editing software. I’ve spent the past ten months living away from home, in a way to empathize with my husband while he’s gone. Also, because no home of ours would ever truly be home without him. It’s just as well I not live there. So my “craft room” doesn’t exist and projects like these are genuinely from my heart, to his.

In two months he’ll be home! I love him for promising to never leave me again.

3 thoughts on “52 Reasons (Are Just the Beginning)

  1. Thank you for linking my post! You did such a great job on yours. I love the vintage deck of cards.

    I admire you and your husband so much for how you’ve sacrificed. And you said you moved away from home so you could empathize with him? Wow. How sweet and selfless of you. That must be incredibly hard…I can’t even imagine. Hang in there…only two months!

    1. Thanks! Living away from home sort of felt like the only option at the time, but has resulted in a great sense of camaraderie and gratitude from both of us towards each other. It has challenged my definition of “home”, which is I guess what this blog will end up being about.

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